Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Can You Find The Right Romance? www.foxeei.com

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Deep within broken hearted, many joys like the ocean waves....there is a right romantic person for all of us. Yet, we doubt it. Why? Only our hearts know...but deep within we long for that perfect star....searching...searching...pondering....
Past events have proven to us that there have been perfect soul mates- with wonderful, and exciting relationships. Two people connected happily for eternity. Ironically, we watch news, media, tv and we get scared of all the scandals of broken relationships.
We run, hide, and reject the notion of the divine couple. And even though our hearts cry out in silence for that special person-the doubts in our minds repeats over and over. Take heart. Confront it. Stand up. There is a perfect person for all of us.
Reach out. There have been beautiful couples that have remained together joyfully till they took their last breath. No regrets. No whining. No selfishness. Could we be the cause? Could we be the person who is selfish? Could we be the unforgiving?.
Open your heart again....the rose, the sky and birds never stop sending out love....Convince yourself....convince yourself...no one can open your heart but your self...Forgive the past. There are sweet people all around us waiting to love and be loved.
Let it go...a thousand stars shining before you...Let the sweet perfume en capture you...Your heart be filled with pure roses...free....free..liberated to love again...The heart can make the change...the difference..the impact...to express to faithfulness...let your longing be filled the rains of a new chapter....there are still good and wonderful people to love....
Beautiful, beautiful, how beautiful romance can be...how pure like the pearls....adoration...appreciation..understanding... yes, you can find the right romance by believing you can..and it starts within you...letting go of the hurts, pain. and the past..be filled with pure love...no time for regrets but to fly....fly...and spread your sparkling eyes...

by possible

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