Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Finances In Turmoil...

Two battling Forces, already on our backyard, who are they, what are they? Worry and Belief, combating for our minds. Yet, most of us don't even see the writing on the wall. And this worry syndrome is infecting many people. Yet, we hear that a recession is coming or that it is already here and that we should stop investing, vacationing, and spending. Ironically, most of these commentaries that are announcing a gloomy future are very high income earners. Strangely, What are their real motives? What is their true Purpose? We'll probably we'll never know. However, this worry syndrome is becoming an invincible deadly poison that has already affected many people. As of this moment even some of my relatives are verbalizing that a recession is here. Ironically, many folks don't seem to understand that as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. If enough people start believing in one simple idea then they will begin to act out that idea. It is so primitive that most of us scorn and doubt the realities of our mental capacities. Our minds are very susceptible to suggestions and comments; nevertheless, we have the power to choose what to accept and to discard. We can decide to input constructive advice. In addition, no one can predict the future but we can guess a logical completion by simplicity. The force of belief can give us a greater return than worry. If enough people believe that great times are coming then they will act like it -like bees to honey. Instead, most of us allow worry to compound to fear that results in a nervous, unstable, and irrational actions. How then can we be immune to this negative downfall? The solution is to dust it off, don't look back, keep on working ahead and associate with visionaries. Finally, Stay focus on your goals, be confident, peaceful and calm. And don't permit worry to invade your thinking but let belief reign like the stars. And you'll clearly start seeing the sunshine.
Keep On Believing

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