Thursday, January 17, 2008

Business Strategies...You Can Change Your Life...Destiny Is Within Your


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You can change your life. It is not a matter of chance but common sense. You have the option to choose a Better Life. And it all starts in your thinking process. You must believe from within if you are to achieve. Nothing can stop you but yourself. Yet, many of us quit before staying on course. We allow negative friends and associates to sabotage our dreams and visions.
We must choose wisely what advice we accept. For the mind is very receptive to suggestions and it will act upon it without us realizing it. The mind must be guarded like a mighty fortress and added positive thoughts on a daily basis. Furthermore, you must send out goodness, love, peace and prosperity to everyone. For what we give we shall receive. It's that simple.Keep on trying. And you shall succeed.
Don't give up on your dreams!

Posted by possible

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